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Office 365 ProPlus - Download, install and some solutions to problems

Creation date: 25/08/2020 14:37    Updated: 08/10/2020 11:31   byod office

1. Download and install

The students and employees can download and install, without a charge, the Office 365 ProPlus package to five of the user's own devices, PC/Mac computer, iPad tablets, and iPhone/Android/Windows smartphones. Office 365 ProPlus includes a software package which contains, among other things, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Teams, OneNote and Outlook.

NOTE: You cannot install Office 365 ProPlus package to Windows 10​ S version. 

Downloading an installing the Office 365 ProPlus package:

  • In your home computer's browser, open the address https://portal.office.com/account#installs
  • Log in with your personal ID username@student.hamk.fi (students) or username@hamk.fi (staff), e.g. aaro1234@student.hamk.fi (student)
  • Select Office from the menu on the left side
  • Finally, press the Install button at the bottom of the page and follow the instructions
  • After the installation, activate Office with your personal user ID (username@student.hamk.fi or username@hamk.fi) and your password. During the installation and activation, you must be connected to the internet.

Additional details of Office 365 ProPlus

  • What does the service include? See Office 365 ProPlus service contents
  • On which mobile devices can Office be installed? See Microsoft Office apps for mobile

For how long can a student or an employee use Office 365 ProPlus?

  • Office 365 ProPlus can be used as long as the student or the employee has a valid username provided by the educational institution and the ID is licensed for Office 365 ProPlus.
  • The educational institution must, in addition, have a valid Microsoft agreement, and the institution must provide Office 365 IDs to its students and employees.
  • The computer on which Office 365 has been installed must be connected to the internet because Office 365 ProPlus automatically checks the license in 30 days intervals.

What happens when the license of Office 365 ProPlus expires?

  • Office will operate with limited functionality during which it is only possible to read/open and print files.
  • Office can be reactivated with another ID (licensed for Office 365 ProPlus) or with a separately purchased product key. See Overview of licensing and activation in Office 365 ProPlus

Some installation problems and solutions

1. Installation stops on Windows 10 computer

Installation starts normally but stops at some point with an error message. You can try the following solutions:

  • Stop the virus and threat protection software and/or the firewall software. Try the installation again. Start the software you stopped before the installation.
  • Stop the spooler service on your computer before the installation:
    • ​Search "Services" in the Windows Start Menu. Run the program as administrator
    • Scroll down until you find "Print Spooler"
    • Click the right mouse button and choose "Stop"
    • Install the Office software and after that start "Print Spooler"
  • Try the installation in a network where the internet connection is better/faster.
  • Uninstall Office from your PC and try the installation again

2. The version of macOS must be recent

You can install Office 365 ProPlus if you have rather recent version of  macOS. Only the newest macOS version and two older ones are supported.